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Silhouette Images

Any work that uses all 18 of these silhouette images should be made available under the Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported license.

You may link to this page as a way of providing attribution and license information.

Neogale visonMargot MichaudCC0 1.0
Mustela ermineaMargot MichaudCC0 1.0
Zalophus wollebaekiMargot MichaudCC0 1.0
Felis silvestris catusDavid OrrPDM 1.0
Lynx lynxMargot MichaudCC0 1.0
Acinonyx jubatusMargot MichaudCC0 1.0
Neofelis nebulosaMargot MichaudCC0 1.0
Leopardus tigrinusMargot MichaudCC0 1.0
Lutra lutraMargot MichaudCC0 1.0
Canis familiaris familiarisMargot MichaudCC0 1.0
Canis familiaris dingoPearson Scott Foresman (vectorized by T. Michael Keesey)PDM 1.0
Canis lupusMargot MichaudCC0 1.0
Vulpes lagopusPDM 1.0
Meles melesFerran SayolCC0 1.0
Panthera leoMargot MichaudCC0 1.0
Panthera tigris ssp. altaicaSteven TraverCC0 1.0
Vulpes ferrilataGabriela Palomo-MunozCC BY-NC 3.0
Prionailurus viverrinusGabriela Palomo-MunozCC BY-NC 3.0